Departure from Genoa on 06.04.2024 / Departure from Tunis on 19.04.2024

Step 1) Fill all the fields of the form below.

Offers will be sent only to participants in Fenix Rally 2024. All the requested people and vehicles have to be registered for Fenix Rally 2024. Please send a separate form for each composition of vehicles..

It is required that the vehicle dimensions be correctly set, as shown in the picture.



Thank you for your request! Your inquiry will be processed as soon as possible and an offer will be sent to you by email.

Request for offer for Ferry

Approximate price for your booking is

It is required that the vehicle dimensions be correctly set. If the vehicle's dimensions are not set correctly, you might have to pay an extra fee in the harbor or stay behind if your vehicle does not fit on the ship's deck. I declare that the provided dimensions are correct. By sending this request, you agree to accept the terms and conditions.


Discount :
Total :

Step 2) You will receive an offer by email. Please note that it can take several days.

Step 3) The amount for ferry will appear in your rally account.

Step 4) To secure the place transfer the amount not later than 5 days after receiving the offer.

Step 5) Send the information for all the passengers: first name by passport, surname by passport, date of birth, nationality, passport number, date of expiration of the passport.